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Clarksville, Tennessee
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North Central Institute

Since 1988 North Central Institute has been working with the Clarksville, TN/ Ft. Campbell, KY community in the education field. Our facility is comprised of over 30,000 square feet housing office, lab and classroom space. NCIs programs offer a uniquely designed curriculum that qualifies you to enter an industry with both national and global career opportunities. Our Aviation Maintenance program completers are highly skilled and ready to work in a variety of complex, challenging, and rewarding career paths. The opportunity to earn your Federal Aviation Administration Airframe and/or Powerplant Certificates and your Associates Degree is accomplished easily with NCI. Dr John D. McCurdy, retired from the United States Army, has an extensive history with and love for the Aviation Industry; he founded NCI on the beliefs that an education geared directly to an area of concentration for career success is the best education one could have.

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